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SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications

Table of Contents
Volume 12, Issue 3, pp. 401-609

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The Restricted Singular Value Decomposition: Properties and Applications

Bart L. R. De Moor and Gene H. Golub

pp. 401-425

$O( n^2 )$ Reduction Algorithms for the Construction of a Band Matrix from Spectral Data

Gregory S. Ammar and William B. Gragg

pp. 426-431

Tridiagonal Approach to the Algebraic Environment of Toeplitz Matrices, Part II: Zero and Eigenvalue Problems

P. Delsarte and Y. Genin

pp. 432-448

Monotonicity Properties of the Toda Flow, the QR-Flow, and Subspace Iteration

Jeffrey C. Lagarias

pp. 449-462

A Monotonicity Property for Toda-Type Flows

P. A. Deift, S. Rivera, C. Tomei, and D. S. Watkins

pp. 463-468

Stable Solvers and Block Elimination for Bordered Systems

W. Govaerts

pp. 469-483

Observability of Linear Time-Varying Descriptor Systems

Stephen L. Campbell and William J. Terrell

pp. 484-496

Immitance-Type Three-Term Schur and Levinson Recursions for Quasi-Toeplitz Complex Hermitian Matrices

Y. Bistritz, H. Lev-Ari, and T. Kailath

pp. 497-520

Nested Epsilon Decompositions of Linear Systems: Weakly Coupled and Overlapping Blocks

M. E. Sezer and D. D. Siljak

pp. 521-533

A Variant of the Gohberg–Semencul Formula Involving Circulant Matrices

Gregory Ammar and Paul Gader

pp. 534-540

Properties of the Inverse of the Gaussian Matrix

M. J. C. Gover

pp. 541-548

New Stopping Criteria for Some Iterative Methods for a Class of Unsymmetric Linear Systems

D. J. Evans and C. Li

pp. 549-551

Fast QR Decomposition of Vandermonde-Like Mmatrices and Polynomial Least Squares Approximation

Lothar Reichel

pp. 552-564

Factorization Problems for Nonmonic Matrix Polynomials

Maite Gassó and Vicente Hernández

pp. 565-576

Inversion of Covariance Matrices: Explicit Formulae

Czeslaw Stepniak

pp. 577-580

The Equation $AXB + CYD = E$ over a Principal Ideal Domain

A. Bülent özgüler

pp. 581-591

Perturbation Theory of a Nonlinear Game of von Neumann

Ezio Marchi, Jorge A. Oviedo, and Joel E. Cohen

pp. 592-596

Eigenvalues of the Laplacian Through Boundary Integral Equations

Ya Yan Lu and Shing-Tung Yau

pp. 597-609